When Rejected for a Great Opportunity

A prayer for when the job offer doesn't come.

God in my struggles,

My heart is rendered with sorrow as this potential opportunity has passed me by.

Until the day when the bitter sting of rejection assails me no more…
Until the day when loss and striving ceases…
Until the day when the perfect love comes and the imperfect disappears…
Until you make all sadness and pain a small part of a greater symphony…
Until You come again, I must wait in this state of tension.

How long, O Lord?

But I am reminded, in my current state, that you are acquainted with grief.

May I consider this:

You bore immeasurable guilt, sorrow, pain, and mental anguish when you walked this soil we stained with sin.
To be “God with us,” you laid down greatness and experienced great loss and rejection.
To be our salvation, you endured the cross, scorned its shame, and sit at the right hand of the throne of God. Thank you, Jesus.

May I consider this in the aftermath of my own rejection.

As I move on…

Lord, grant that I would take heart in knowing that you are with me the same in my joy as in my struggle.

I thank you and praise you that you are not distant from my own realities.
That you know my pain—is a past, present, and future grace to me.
Let me sense this loving grace.

As you work all things for my good,
as I love you and am called by you,
may I trust you more.

Forgive my doubts, help my unbelief.

Strengthen my faith in these comforting truths.

I trust you are good to prepare me for the days ahead.

In Jesus Name,


Published on: 4/21/2022