For Moments of Frustration

Trouble comes. Where should we direct our frustration and impatience?

O God of Great Patience and Mercy,

I thank you for your grace.
It is a mercy all its own,
that trouble is not more common.

But right now, I struggle, Lord.

While it appears a great chasm;
this gap between reality and my desires.
I confess my discontent and frustration over it.

Forgive me for a grumbling heart.

I presume these desires to be of good intent,
but I admit I don’t know what is best for all situations
and my feelings may betray me.

Therefore grant wisdom so I may rightly engage my thoughts and actions.
Help me to guard my heart from bitterness and anger.

In this struggle, may I sense the peace that transcends understanding.
Help me know the love of Christ in this moment — a greater strife he endured on my behalf. Remind me that I am refined through all trials — sanctified and stronger.

Holy Spirit fill me and grow me to that end.


Published on: 4/13/2022